July 27: Macbeth defeated at Dunsinane!

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The Story of a Special Day: July 27!

The special occasion gift they’ll never throw away — a whole book for the price of a premium card!

  • What happened in history?
  • Who was born?
  • Who died?
  • What happened on *your* special day?

From celebrations around the world to significant moments in history, birthdays, zodiac signs, and all-month events, this ebook makes a perfect birthday present or anniversary gift — one that will be kept and remembered long after an ordinary birthday card has been forgotten!

July 13 in History

  • The real Macbeth is defeated at Dunsinane! (cover)
  • Active fighting in the Korean War ends
  • Robespierre is arrested
  • Vincent Van Gogh shoots himself
  • The Geneva Convention is signed


  • Jeremiah Dixon (namesake of “Dixie”)
  • Bobbie Genry
  • Alex Rodriguez
  • Peggy Fleming
  • Leo Durocher


  • Bob Hope
  • Claire Chennault
  • Gertrude Stein
  • James Mason
  • Joe Tinker

Holidays and Celebrations

  • National Scotch Day
  • National Sleepy Head Day (Finland)
  • Walk on Stilts Day

Each volume is packed with rare historical photos and fascinating facts. Plus, holidays around the world; birthday gems, flowers, and other symbols; horoscope signs; superstitions; and much, much more! With 74 pages packed with 37 historic photographs and illustrations, it’s a feast for the eyes as well as the brain.

A perfect birthday present or anniversary gift, “The Story of a Special Day” will make anyone feel special on his or her very special occasion. Look for upcoming titles covering each and every day of the year…because every day is a special day for someone you know! [Ebook coming soon.]